The great legend Michael Jordan once said, "A great coach is someone who sees beyond your limits and guides you to greatness." And to guide your athletes to greatness, you need to improve in multiple dimensions. As we move forward, the coaching profession is requiring more and more skills, from the technical to the emotional, behavioral, and social aspects.
It is true that there is no secret formula to train an athlete and a team and you have your unic style that no one can replicate. Great coaches share some common traits, which determine their level of effectiveness and directly reflect their results.
As your coach I can help you make this integration highly effective.
If you are a professional coach working at the highest level, your technical competence is guaranteed to be high. But you certainly still have a lot to improve in other equally important areas. There are no perfect professionals.
Generations are changing, athletes today are more informed, more supported, the majority have organized structures around them. There is always a common language, but emotionally, socially and behaviorally circumstances are changing. And they will change even more in the future.
Building and developing a stronger team spirit, managing egos and relationships, managing expectations and frustrations, creating a greater sense of belonging, increasing commitment to collective goals, and improving the effectiveness with which each team member reaches their goals are increasingly some of the challenges faced by coaches.
Having a coach to work these skills in a focused, structured, and guided way will give you an advantage competitive.
Like many other leaders, being a coach is increasingly a challenging and demanding profession, with quick wear and tear, sometimes quite lonely, where performance is scrutinized daily.
Having someone by your side, focused on your growth opportunities, on the continuous improvement of your relational, communication and leadership skills, as also on your "blind spots" (what you are not aware of), will guarantee you a better individual performance, better optimization of all your resources and, consequently, a greater alignment with all the people around you, especially with your players.
Your athletes have you as their coach. And why not have your own coach?
There is something absolutely decisive in a grow process like this: empathy with property. Although each of us is different, with different experiences, there are common places and this brings us closer. Knowing the sports reality inside, gives me a clearer view of your real challenges and how I can contribute effectively to your growth.
From sports to corporate world and people, I have dedicated the last 15 years to deepen the knowledge and specialize myself in Leadership, Communication, Emotional Intelligence and Performance.
By combining my umbilical connection to sports with my expertise in behavioral and talent enhancement, I can offer you a unique and highly effective approach to reaching your goals.
"João helped me enhancing my communication and leadership skills, not just with my players but also with all the people around me. The improvement was a 200% increase. Thank you João!"
To help you in your process, I´ve designed GMP - Growth Management Platform®, a support tool and innovative accountability that allows you to analyze every step of your evolution and overall performance according to the objectives you set.
In addition, you will have access to videos, articles, books, and a set of complementary resources to strengthen your training.